Baza komputerowa SPORT
Biblioteka Główna Akademii Wychowania Fizycznego w Poznaniu

Baza komputerowa SPORT
Bibliografia zawartości polskich czasopism gromadzonych w BG AWF w Poznaniu.
Rejestruje prace opublikowane od 1971 roku do 2017 roku.

Zapytanie: PALAO JM
Liczba odnalezionych rekordów: 4

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Autorzy: Frideres JE, Mottinger SG, Palao JM.
Collegiatecoaches' knowledge of the female athleye triad in relation to theicharacteristics
Central European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine 2016 : 16 (4) , 55-66 ; 6 tab., bibliogr. 33 poz.
p-ISSN: 2300-9705

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Autorzy: Palao JM.
Effect of an educational program about game statistics and goal-setting intervention in a community college women's volleyball team
Central European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine 2016 : 14 (2) , 27-35 ; 4 tab., bibliogr. 19 poz.
p-ISSN: 2300-9705

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Autorzy: Palao JM, Giménez-Ibarra MI.
Defence efficacy in practice abd competition. A case study in women's volleyball
Central European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine 2015 : 12 (4) , 25-34 ; 4 tab., bibliogr. 28 poz.
p-ISSN: 2300-9705

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Autorzy: Palao JM, Manzanares P, Valadés D.
Anthropometric, Physical, and Age Differences by the Player Position and the Performance Level in Volleyball
Journal of Human Kinetics 2014 : 44 , 223-236 ; 3 rys., 10 tab., bibliogr. 29 poz.
p-ISSN: 1640-5544

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